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Have you noticed that over the years, many of the students in institutions of higher learning end up not practicing in their areas of expertise, costing the government and themselves time and money?

Employers care about personality traits because they may help anticipate how an employee will interact with others in the workplace.

This is why our team came up with a KnowYourTrait system, a personality quiz that allows the user to take an easy and fun test to get to know their temperament.

Understanding your personal attributes is a key part of career development. An awareness of your personality traits and others’ can help you do your best at work and result in enhanced workplace relationships and career fulfillment!

Personality Traits

What are personality traits?

Personality traits are characteristics and qualities that help define you as a unique individual. They’re often developed throughout life and may remain consistent across many situations and circumstances.


Why are they important?

Recognizing your personality traits is the first step in successfully achieving your goals. Being able to capitalize on your strengths and also understanding how to strengthen your weaknesses is the cornerstone of success.


How can I know my personality trait?

What makes you the way you are? Take THIS TEST to discover your personality type.

Take the personality test



What is your favorite vacation destination?


If you face a problem at work, what is the first thing you do?

work-demo NEXT

What is your favorite color?


If asked, what would your friends and family say about you?

kind smart caring quiet

What was your favorite game when you were a child?


Hey , You're a sanguin.

Sanguine are the most energetic and bubbly of all the temperament types.
They bring life and energy into a room by their very presence.
They are outgoing, handshaky and touchy people.
They are the easiest to be around socially.
Their cheerful nature and humor brightens everyone's life.

    Sanguins career paths
  • Customer Relations
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing
  • Sales
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Hey , You're melancholic

Melancholics often choose to hide their feelings,preferring to remain calm and quiet even during events that typically elicit extreme joy or anger in others.
They are process-oriented and like to pursue their goals in a precise and straightforward way.
They are very calm and quiet desipite their powerful internal emotions

    Melancholics career path
  • Administration
  • Social work
  • Accounting
  • Research
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Hey , You're phlegmatic

Phlegmatics always avoid conflict and always try to mediate between others to restore peace and harmony.
They make it a point to preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors.
They are very much into charity and helping others.

    Phlegmatics career path
  • Psychology or counseling
  • Child development
  • Social services
  • Nursing
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Hey , You're choleric

Choleric do stuff according to what is convenient to them and what is in line with their goals.
They are pragmatism and it is typical for them to take their decisions fast and act immediately.
They are typically extroverted, goal oriented, and ambitious

    Cholerics career path
  • Programming
  • Management
  • Engineering
  • Statistics
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